My Race Calendar for the Rest of 2015
Now that I feel like I am safely past my hip and IT band injury, I feel like it's time to plan my training and racing for the remainder of the year.
I probably overthink this stuff, but what else is new?! I do want to qualify for the Boston Marathon, because I think that is a good milestone for most recreational runners. After my first marathon this February, I am only 20:45 away from that goal. I think it's doable! But, I also want another child and marathon training is incompatible with...all that. After looking at all the variables, I think it's best to focus on the 10k and half-marathon distances for the remainder of 2015, and leave the BQ for later.
I actually love the 10k, and my current PR for that distance is proportionally faster than my PR's for other distances. I ran that 10k after only four months of deliberate training (in the heat of summer), while breastfeeding a toddler (ok, not actually during the race), and less than a year after childbirth. I sort of want to see where I can go with my 10k. I would love to get my PR down somewhere in the neighborhood of 43:00.
And the half marathon. Ohhhhhh, the half marathon. I have only run one half marathon, even though marathon training required MANY runs longer than 13.1 miles. The half marathon I ran fell poorly in my training calendar, and I unknowingly ran it with a serious injury. I (over)think some aspects of running culture, as well, and I dislike the way half marathons are feminized. At large races and in popular running publications, half marathons are publicized as the "girl equivalent" to the manly marathon. And women register for them in droves (proving that marketing works, AND filling my age group, haha!). I feel like all of this means I don't respect the half marathon distance the way I should. It's a tough race, and I want to 1) change my attitude, and 2) do better at it. And, okay sure, I want to avenge my bad race in Asheville.
So, here's what I have planned for the rest of the year:
Peavine Falls Trail Race (8.2 miles) on July 4
This is one of my Track Club's four "Classic Quad" races. I get a free entry, so it's a no brainer. I am aware that it is less than five weeks out, and I am still coming back from injury, but I think it's a good goal race for where I am in my rehab and training. I have one goal: run the whole thing safely and happily.
Four Bridges Half Marathon on October 18
My Track Club is providing training and group runs for this, along with a significant discount for members. It's in Chattanooga, Tennessee, about two hours north of home, so it's a mini-destination race to a town my family loves. A lot of my club friends are going, and planning to race it hard. We have a significant regional rivalry with track clubs in Atlanta and Nashville, so I want to show up for the rumble.
Vulcan Run 10k on November 7
This is the final race of the "Classic Quad" and a huge amount of fun. I loved running the race last year, and I want a big PR this time around. The first 200 finishers get a "trophy shirt" that has all sorts of weird, dude-bro significance for local runners. Last year, I was just minutes away from the cutoff time. Is it weird to be all like, "I NEED THAT SHIRT IN MY LIFE." Because that's totally how I feel.
Magnolia Half Marathon on November 21
This is a tiny little newer race near where my parents live in rural Mississippi. Sounds crazy, right? It is a great value for the money, and goes right past the house where my mother grew up. My speedy husband is running the full. We have never run a race together, because of scheduling training and race day childcare. We are planning this as a little trip to see my parents, who can keep W for us while we go on a run date. I thought about instead doing the Magic City Half Marathon on November 22, which starts just blocks from our apartment, but it's just too close to Magnolia.
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Time for more of this! |
I probably overthink this stuff, but what else is new?! I do want to qualify for the Boston Marathon, because I think that is a good milestone for most recreational runners. After my first marathon this February, I am only 20:45 away from that goal. I think it's doable! But, I also want another child and marathon training is incompatible with...all that. After looking at all the variables, I think it's best to focus on the 10k and half-marathon distances for the remainder of 2015, and leave the BQ for later.
I actually love the 10k, and my current PR for that distance is proportionally faster than my PR's for other distances. I ran that 10k after only four months of deliberate training (in the heat of summer), while breastfeeding a toddler (ok, not actually during the race), and less than a year after childbirth. I sort of want to see where I can go with my 10k. I would love to get my PR down somewhere in the neighborhood of 43:00.
And the half marathon. Ohhhhhh, the half marathon. I have only run one half marathon, even though marathon training required MANY runs longer than 13.1 miles. The half marathon I ran fell poorly in my training calendar, and I unknowingly ran it with a serious injury. I (over)think some aspects of running culture, as well, and I dislike the way half marathons are feminized. At large races and in popular running publications, half marathons are publicized as the "girl equivalent" to the manly marathon. And women register for them in droves (proving that marketing works, AND filling my age group, haha!). I feel like all of this means I don't respect the half marathon distance the way I should. It's a tough race, and I want to 1) change my attitude, and 2) do better at it. And, okay sure, I want to avenge my bad race in Asheville.
So, here's what I have planned for the rest of the year:
Peavine Falls Trail Race (8.2 miles) on July 4
This is one of my Track Club's four "Classic Quad" races. I get a free entry, so it's a no brainer. I am aware that it is less than five weeks out, and I am still coming back from injury, but I think it's a good goal race for where I am in my rehab and training. I have one goal: run the whole thing safely and happily.
Four Bridges Half Marathon on October 18
My Track Club is providing training and group runs for this, along with a significant discount for members. It's in Chattanooga, Tennessee, about two hours north of home, so it's a mini-destination race to a town my family loves. A lot of my club friends are going, and planning to race it hard. We have a significant regional rivalry with track clubs in Atlanta and Nashville, so I want to show up for the rumble.
Vulcan Run 10k on November 7
This is the final race of the "Classic Quad" and a huge amount of fun. I loved running the race last year, and I want a big PR this time around. The first 200 finishers get a "trophy shirt" that has all sorts of weird, dude-bro significance for local runners. Last year, I was just minutes away from the cutoff time. Is it weird to be all like, "I NEED THAT SHIRT IN MY LIFE." Because that's totally how I feel.
Magnolia Half Marathon on November 21
This is a tiny little newer race near where my parents live in rural Mississippi. Sounds crazy, right? It is a great value for the money, and goes right past the house where my mother grew up. My speedy husband is running the full. We have never run a race together, because of scheduling training and race day childcare. We are planning this as a little trip to see my parents, who can keep W for us while we go on a run date. I thought about instead doing the Magic City Half Marathon on November 22, which starts just blocks from our apartment, but it's just too close to Magnolia.
That Magnolia Half Marathon sounds awesome. I think hometown-type races are wonderful and have had some of the best experiences running them, even if my own personal race didn't go so well. I've run a few in rural Washington and loved how each was set up. Somehow they have a spirit to them that the big races just don't have.
So are you guys going to actively try to get preganant this year? Or is this going to be a let's see what happens. Sorry to ask such a personal question. But, being pregnant will definitely change your race calendar. Good luck to you and I'm glad you are over the injury hump.
Like I said, I love running culture. I totally predict that the next big thing is going to be "indie" races in weird distances, no corporate sponsors, no medal, no photo downloads. Mark my words. And I think quirky, small town races are fantastic fun.
And not until after the New Year. Of course, there are lots of things that go into these decisions...what's best for W, my health, the seasonality of my work, and even (depressingly) our insurance. It can get so distracting, but I just want another enjoyable pregnancy and birth, and a healthy baby.
When I was pregnant with W, I ran five times a week up until the third trimester, and then I had to slow way down and switch to walking. At the very end, I was walking about 3-4 miles several times a week, and I think it absolutely is what made the pregnancy and birth so easy.
The 10k is such a weird race. To run it well, you sort of have to do the whole thing at or near lactate threshold. And the better part of an hour is a LOOOOONG time to be sucking wind. When I got my PR, I remember passing the 4-mile mark and thinking, "I am absolutely at my limit." Which is an odd feeling to have with two miles to go :(
Let me know when you pick a 10k. There are some great ones out there!