Some Recent Photos

...that I thought you might enjoy.  Life has been very engrossing and full lately, and that's a good thing!

Spring time means drinks on the patio at Paramount.

And playing on neighborhood sidewalks.

Taking photos of W's Easter outfit as he RAN by.

Who doesn't love bow ties?

This is his eating face.

At our church egg hunt, W got 28 eggs!!! I couldn't believe it...he figured it out immediately, and he was unstoppable.  Hilarious.

Beautiful spring sunsets from our kitchen window...a huge pick-me-up while I cook dinner.

This is MAJOR...W is taking swim lessons!  I am so happy for him, and I am really trying not to be one of those swim moms who want their kid to live their glory, but HE LOVES IT!!! 

And the pool is really close to Whole Foods, so we have been having lunch there after.

As an aside, my stylist used body art henna on my hair, and I love the results.
From the front...yes, I have a bad case of RBFS.


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