Workouts - January 18, 2016

Here is an expression that sums up the past week:

Anyway!  I'm away from home again, and running in extremely hilly terrain, so the workouts have been sort of hang-on-for-dear-life type stuff.  I also canned the idea of an early spring marathon (I think?  Still not discounting a longer trail race, though.), after faking my way through several long runs, not recovering properly from multiple illnesses, unforeseen family stuff, travel, etc.  It's been freeing.  Without that anxiety, I am actually running faster, and doing more workouts how I "feel," rather than how I "should."  If that makes sense. are the workouts!

Monday - 8 @ 8:43 on the treadmill.  Getting started on this one was mentally taxing, but I made it happen.

Tuesday - 5.3 @ 8:16 on my favorite local loop.  I didn't intend to run this one so fast, and didn't really realize what had happened until I downloaded my watch data.

Wednesday - 70-minute yoga class in the early morning.  Then, I stayed in my yoga pants for the work day (I KNOW).  On my way home, I had to stop at Target, which just so happens to be riiiiiiight next to the entrance to a local trail system.  I did a quick 4 @ 8:09 and it barely added any extra time to my commute. 

Thursday - 6.1 @ 9:09 on the dirt trails at Veteran's Park.

Friday - Rest, for travel.

Saturday - 6 @ 8:48 on extremely hilly paved roads.  Traffic was challenging.  Not in the good way.

Sunday - 5.2 @ 8:29 on the same damn hills.  Only I made more of an effort to avoid more trafficked roads. 

Totals - 35 miles of running, one yoga class, several injury prevention sessions that I didn't log.  I think I also did a bench press workout but I can't remember :(

Have a great week!


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