Baby #2 Born 8/9!
He's beautiful, and now that we're about three weeks out, I can safely say that he is a very easy and loving little boy. He has auburn hair like me, which was a huge surprise!
My labor was easy and incredibly fast. In a nutshell, I had a few days of annoying-but-not-painful contractions every ten minutes or so. The day after my due date, my water broke around 6:45am. Things got very intense almost immediately, and my husband's expert driving had us at the hospital by 7:15am. This little man was born at 11:49am after just four pushes and not a drop of medication...not even IV fluids! It was a beautiful and raw experience, and I'm anticipating a fairly easy recovery.
I made a preventative visit to a physical therapist six days post partum, and learned I have the same sacral torsion and pelvic rotation injury that I suffered after my first pregnancy. Only this time, I can address it immediately instead of a year after the fact. During that visit, I also learned I have a third-degree diastasis recti. A few weeks later, I can already tell it has closed up some, so maybe I will get some spontaneous healing before I need to start physical therapy for it? Who knows.
In my next post, I'll catch up on training logs and really try to track my post partum recovery. I took a total of 5.5 weeks off from running, so I'm anticipating I will spend most of fall getting things working again. I'm excited for the challenge!